
“Mmn?” What… what’s happening? I feel so… strange.
“Sarah,” the voice appeared yet again.
I finally became aware of my surroundings. I was in a dark forest where the only light source was the moon in the sky.
It seemed peaceful. I felt like lying down and taking a nap.
“Sarah. You mustn’t.”
After I heard the voice, a giant hand appeared to stretch down from the moon.
“As the goddess of the moon, I give you my power in order to partake in the game of life.”
My vision went black other than a six-sided die that was cast. The end result was a one.
“You are to make the first move of the game. I command you to kill the piece of the sea.”

Everything faded away, and as I awoke, I once again forgot the strange dream that had plagued me for several days.

Introduction To My Blog

Umm… Hi. I’m puellamagi123 (that’s actually my username for just about everything) I’ll mainy be using this blog for writing and asking advice and stuff. I am currently working on a story on wattpad called “Cast The Die” which is for a series i plan on making called The Game Of Life. I don’t know if it’s taken and if it is I may change it. But i will update the story for here as soon as i publish the chapter on wattpad.

Link to the story: